Power tool for digital game publishing

Publishing management for game developers

Plan, execute, monitor

A simple and easy to use roadmap for full lifecycle of developing a game. Pre created tasks help put together a professional publishing plan, even if you're a first timer. Create your game and complete just a couple publishing tasks a week, and you have a succesful title in your hands, in no time.

Rely on past data for best performance

You'll save time using our performance data based posting schedule. It will help you keep track of when, where and what you should be posting.

a free demo


We offer three tiers. You can always upgrade to a better one.

Solo developer

For those that prefer to fly solo


All features

Single user


For those that prefer to work in teams


All feature

5-50 users


The ultimate version, tailored to your needs.


Up to 100 users

Personalized domain

White-labeled to your brand